Showing September 5th to Sept. 29th, 2023
The Emerald Art Center presents the enchanting world of "Memories of My Homeland II," an exhibition that showcases captivating images intricately embroidered with vibrant and colorful designs. These designs draw inspiration from the architecture, landscapes, flora, and fauna of the homelands of Latin American women residing in Lane County. These remarkable women are integral members of the Art Club for Spanish-speaking mothers at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art. Your presence would add to the beauty of this cultural journey.
Furthermore, we are delighted to announce the participation of Mexican artists Maricela Figueroa Zamilpa and Fabiola Marroquín, who will also be showcasing their works in this exhibition.
This project was coordinated by Jessica Zapata, with the invaluable support of Yeseul Lee, Museum Educator for Community Engagement and Well-Being at the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art.
This exhibition has been organized by Eugene Arte Latino & Comunidad y Herencia Cultural, in collaboration with the Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art and the Emerald Art Center.
About the musicians
Mariachi Monumental represents the best in musicianship and includes a wide repertoire of traditional Mexican music to brighten all types of public and private events.
Dúo Piel Canela (copper skin). With a solid 15-year musical career, the Piel Canela duo (composed of Mago and Willy) have been filling hearts with joy with their versatile repertoire, ranging from rancheras and boleros to rock & roll and children's music, among other genres.
(Le invitamos cordialmente a sumergirse en el mundo encantador de "Memorias De Mi Patria II", una exposición que incluye imágenes bordadas con vívidos y coloridos diseños inspirados en la arquitectura, paisajes, vegetación y la vida silvestre de los lugares de origen de mujeres Latinoamericanas que radican en Lane County y que son parte del Club comunitario de arte para madres de habla hispana del Museo de Arte Jordan Schnitzer. Además, nos complace anunciar que las artistas mexicanas Maricela Figueroa Zamilpa y Fabiola Marroquín participarán también con sus obras en esta exposición.
Este proyecto fue coordinado por Jessica Zapata, con el invaluable apoyo de Yeseul Lee, Educadora para la participación y el bienestar de la comunidad en el Museo de Arte Jordan Schnitzer y ha sido organizada por Eugene Arte Latino y Comunidad y Herencia Cultural, en colaboración con Jordan Schnitzer Museum of Art y el Emerald Art Center.
Acerca de los músicos:
El Mariachi Monumental representa lo mejor de la maestría musical e incluye un amplio repertorio de música tradicional mexicana para alegrar todo tipo de eventos públicos y privados.
Dúo Piel Canela. Con una sólida trayectoria musical de 15 años, el dúo Piel Canela (compuesto por Mago y Willy) ha estado llenando de alegría los corazones con su versátil repertorio, que abarca desde rancheras y boleros hasta rock & roll y música para niños, entre otros géneros. Él proveniente de la Ciudad de México y ella del estado de Chiapas, ambos se han reunido en Eugene donde han descubierto su pasión por la música, particularmente los clásicos en inglés y español.)
Plus: Antonio Huerta presents a Charro attire exhibition
Charrería is known as the national sport of Mexico. It involves horsemanship, skillful roping, rope tricks, and cattle work. Charrería has been inscribed as Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity by the United Nations Educational and Cultural Organization, UNESCO. The tradition dates to the 1500s when the Spanish brought horses and cattle to the Americas. Charrería has endured. The large hacienda fields in Mexico provided a perfect landscape for Charrería, agriculture and cattle raising that shaped the culture of the Charro. To this day, Charrería remains vibrant in towns and cities across Mexico and in many parts of the United States.
This exhibit honors the contributions of Oregon women to the Charrería tradition as Escaramuzas, an event in which women execute daring feats and precision maneuvers while riding sidesaddle. Escaramuza symbolizes the role of women during the Mexican Revolution, a reference to the skilled and strategic horsemanship they displayed on the battlefield.
Maicela Figueroa 2023

Plus: featured members Barbara Harrison and Bobbie Soshnick
Barbara Harrison is having her first showing of a collection of watercolor paintings done throughout the years starting in 2001 to the present.
Bobbie Soshnick is showing "Mirror mirror on the wall who recycles most of all"
Bobbie is a retired art teacher and U of L graduate. She has always been obsessed about recycling and repurposing found objects reminiscent of Robert Raushenberg and Joseph Cornell. The show is made of mirrors and color systems to create one of a kind unique pieces that represent private histories and themes using trinkets, charms, jewelry, photos, ephemera, and mementos. These mirrors not only show a real reflection of the outer person but create a connection to the inner feelings, memories, hopes and dreams.

Sailing by Bobbie Soshnick
Aqua by Bobbie Soshnick

Dancing Camas
by Barbara Harrison

by Barbara Harrison
With New Work from Members of the Emerald Art Center